Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Day 271: The Deep End.

Hawk spears a Trout ... 8-22-06

The Lovely Sally Nash came over and kicked my ass today.

Ms. Nash, as you may remember, is the personal trainer who came into my life thanks to Grace, who gifted me with a series of sessions to kickstart my excercise program.

Sally doesn't mess around. She's good. Not only does she make me do things I don't want to do, she makes me feel good about doing them. After 45 minutes of lifting stuff and making repetitive motions and riding the bongo board for two minute intervals, I was tired and sweaty and my muscles were in total revolt.

I took it as a sign from above, then, when George pulled in just as Sally was leaving. He was on his way to take Hawk swimming, so I did what anyone in my position would do: I made him take me with them.

You may remember Hawk from George's guest blog entry back in April. He's an amazing dog, unusual and kind and gentle and (not for nothing) one of the best canine athletes I've ever seen. I've known Hawk since he was 6 months old (he just turned 13 last week), and over the years, I've watched him charge through ocean waves, chase balls up hillsides, drag logs (and small trees) through the woods, and twist into the air to grab Frisbees with the agility of a dog half his size.

Now that his back legs have begun to let him down, he doesn't do those things any more. The spirit is willing (it breaks your heart just how willing), but the body just can't keep up. Swimming in a friend's pool doubles as exercise and physical therapy, and George takes him over at least twice a week. I've never known a more devoted dog owner - and I'm not sure I've ever known a happier dog.

What really gets Hawk moving is the motorized trout. You push a button on the fish's belly and it swims all around the pool, taunting Hawk to swim out and spear it. He huffs and he puffs and he doesn't give up until his mouth is full.

Watching Hawk in action today made my heart happy ... and also made it a tiny bit heavy. Cliched as this may be, it really does seem like yesterday that he was young, powerful and fearless. We both were. The idea that either one of us would get old was a reality that existed in a future far, far away.

Making the most of right now isn't something I'm always good at. I spend far too much time reliving the past (those were the days ...) or escaping into the future (things will be better when ...).

Watching George and Hawk today, there was no place to be but right there. George is well aware that their time together is ultimately limited, and he certainly makes the most of every moment they have.

Now, if I could just find a way to have that same relationship with me, well, I might really be on to something.

Hawk on the beach, 7-98.


Anonymous said...

Good on you for the exercise. Keep it up!! Don't succeed and slacken!!

Anonymous said...

Awww... that Hawk is one fine doggie! Those animals have an amazing way to lift the human spirit.... i miss having one around the house, but am in an apartment which doesn't allow them.

Would you consider having a dog?


Suzanne said...

I could use a Lovely Sally Nash in my life.

Great post.