Saturday, March 29, 2008

Not That I'm Going to Fight You For Him ...

Too much auto signage is a problem in and of itself, but when you throw in some proprietary message about how Jesus belongs to YOU and you alone, well, that's just plain rude. I mean, I don't even believe in all that stuff, and I'm still -

Huh? What's that?



Apparently, this is not an issue of ownership, but one of syntax.

Okay, then. I still say the images seen here constitute a disturbing aesthetic trend (at the very least!), but as far as my initial rant, well ...


1 comment:

River Driver said...

Glad to see you back on the blog. I also have allowed weight to creep back on. I started 2 1/2 years ago at about 220, got down to about 175, then crept back up to 195, which is where I sit now. Not happy. I'm trying to buckle back down again. Hopefully we'll start seeing success!

Has The Falling Joys come out yet?