Friday, February 23, 2007

Day 466: Feeling Gravity's Pull.

Wistfully watching a parachuter float down in Lake Elsinore last weekend.

Ten Things I Haven't Done Yet:

1. Attended all four Grand Slam tennis tournaments.

2. Toured Wine Country in Northern California and Washington State.

3. Gone one month without television.

4. Driven an Airstream cross-country (trip funded by finding stuff to sell on eBay along the way).

5. Learned to play the piano.

6. Traveled the Greek Islands.

7. Gone skydiving.

8. Raised a horse from a colt.

9. Taken a class from a master chef.

10. Gotten the tattoo I want.


Anonymous said...

You may not have gone to all four grand slams, but the one that I know of was very good fun!


Anonymous said...

On an unrelated note, you should go see the movie The Lives of Others. It was fantastic.