Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Day 84: Okay, So Weight Watchers Works (205.2).

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What's weird is that I lost more weight last week, when I thought I was a nursing mother (Day 76).

Who knows? Maybe it was a water thing, maybe it was beginner's luck, maybe the Weight Gods just chose last week to smile down a little bit brighter. But, for whatever reason, this week's dieting efforts sliced one less pound less off of my frame. I'm not saying I'm upset over the 3.8 pounds I did lose, I just wish I understood the human body a little bit better.

This week was definitely harder than last week, partly because the sheen of newness has worn off just a little bit. It's still fun to keep track of everything I eat and calculate exactly how many points I'm using, but it's not quite as much fun as it was at first. I imagine it will become even less thrilling as the weeks continue.

What is thrilling is losing weight.

I'll need to keep that in mind as I become increasingly prone to what one woman at today's meeting called "Weight Watcher's Amnesia."

"I was at a party last night and suddenly I'd never even heard of Weight Watchers," she said with a laugh. "I ate everything in sight."

I can so see that happening to me. After all, I've been known to come down with other forms of the same malady, such as "Writing Amnesia," "Housecleaning Amnesia," and "Financial Budget Amnesia."

At least I don't have Exercise Amnesia. You need to actually do something before you can forget to do it, right?

At the end of the meeting, the leader looked down at her notes and said, "What's this? No one is getting any awards today? Oh, no! It must have been a tough week out there!"

I wanted to raise my hand and say, "No -it wasn't! I mean, it was, but I've lost more than five pounds in two weeks! I deserve my red bookmark thingie!" ... but I didn't. A new girl had been training at the station I weighed in at, and I'm guessing she neglected to turn in my stats.

Oh well. I hear there's a 10 pound bookmark thingie, too. Hopefully, I'm a shoo-in for that one next week ...

Unless, of course, I get a case of Weight Watcher's Amnesia.


Anonymous said...

congrats on the weight loss. slow but steady is always nore successful. Now, what about that walk?

Anonymous said...

obviously that should be "more" successful

Anonymous said...

Even though it's technically Aussie - I thought you might like this site becasue it has some tracking tools to "make it more fun" plus the etools on the WW website are pretty darn good too....

Good luck! You're going great guns...