Friday, May 12, 2006

Day 170: A Kiss I Wish I Could Forget.

When I was but a tweener, I absolutely adored the band Kiss. I thought the LPs Destroyer and Rock and Roll Over were true masterpieces, and remember listening to songs like Detroit Rock City, Flaming Youth, and (more than any other) Take Me until I wore out the needle on my junky old record player. I'll never forget the night my mother refused to buy me Kiss Alive II. As we left the store, she was telling me how awful she thought they were. I sat slumped in the passenger seat, sulking and furious, muttering that she didn't understand.

(It pains me to see myself as such a teen cliche.)

Couple this rabid phase of Kiss-love with the irrational degree to which dwarfs midgets the vertically challenged Little People both fascinate and unsettle me, and you'll understand why I was so profoundly riveted to last night's Daily Show segment on the feud between tribute bands "miniKiss" and "Tiny Kiss."

It was disturbing to me in a way I can't possibly begin to explain.

In fact, I wasted far too much time today trying to make a link to the segment available in this post. I scoured the internet, searched through Kazaa and Limewire, checked, burned a DVD (my computer wouldn't read it), and even Bittorrented (is that a verb?) the entire Daily Show episode in question (only to realize that, a) I have no clue how to edit out a single segment and, and b) wouldn't know how to upload or house streaming video even if I did. But hey - now I can watch it on my computer, too!)

Alas, a few photos and a brief summary will have to do.

Apparently, miniKiss was the sole Little People Kiss tribute band (I still can't believe there's even one) until mini-Peter Criss broke off and (in a "mini-dick" move, so sayeth the The Daily Show) formed Tiny Kiss. His big twist (I kid you not) was to add an extremely large woman as Paul Stanley. One of my favorite moments in the Daily Show piece is when this woman says, with an utter lack of self-awareness: "I think that adding me was really just the final pizzazz that the tribute band needed to not be a freak show or a side show."

I'm telling you, I watched this thing three times, cringing, wincing, and drawing my knees up to my chest with each viewing. It was deliciously horrifying - and hilarious. I feel quite sure I will have nightmares.

NOTE: Thank you to the anonymous commenter who found the following link! Now you can all watch and enjoy ...

Watch the Daily Show Kiss-Off

LATE-BREAKING NEWS: Apparently, mini-Peter Criss has just been kicked out of Tiny Kiss ... read all about it here:

Mini Dick Gets the Boot


michael.offworld said...

This was really scary. And sad. I'm glad I didn't see the show.

My favourite Kiss album was Dynasty. I love all the songs from start to finish. Still after all these years, it rocks. I remember hearing Charisma on our city's first FM rock station.

My very first Kiss memory was a slow dance at a grade six sock-hop. Beth was the song and Helen was the girl. For some reason I think of Helen whenever I eat Kraft Dinner.


MusikMom said...

OMG! I'm going to have to watch that, contrary to Michael's reaction. It's like passing a car wreck on the freeway.
I am proud to say that I've seen KISS pre-sans make-up, w/out make-up, and post-w/out make-up with make-up. They rock!
My memory is of Coach Morris in World History class... He went off on a student's KISS sticker on his book cover. I can't remember how many shades of crimson he turned all the while ranting about "Knights In Satan's Service". Too bad I couldn't pull out "God Made Rock 'n Roll", my favorite song. Detroit Rock City would be number two!

Mon :-)

Anonymous said...

see it here:

Anonymous said...

that cut it off (but, oddly, it's still all there): either way it's now on