Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day 219: Training Day.

Do I have great form or what?
Yeah ... right. That's Sally, showing me how it's done.

The last time I worked with a personal trainer, it wound up getting very personal, indeed. Sophie (Day 78, Day 184) and I went on to become a couple for four years (she was my first girlfriend), and we keep in touch to this day.

There were no such fireworks when Sally came over on Thursday for the inaugural session of my new three-month weight training and exercise program (yes, she's hot, funny and smart ... but also straight and married).

No, there was just me and my mixed emotions - "mixed" because, as you all know by now, I absolutely loathe working out. I just can't stand it. Truth be told, I lay in bed for a half an hour Wednesday morning trying to come up with a plan to get the hell out of it (My wrists can't take it! I'm too busy! I don't want to!).

Unfortunately, it wasn't the trainer I'd have to face with my excuses - it was Grace. She's the one giving me this program, one that blends live monitoring sessions with remote webcam sessions. The idea is that after three months, you become self-sufficient and don't need a trainer at all.

Grace began the program about a month ago, and she's been thrilled with the results. When she suggested it as my birthday present, it sounded like a great idea (you know, in that way things sound great when they exist in some distant future you don't think will ever actually arrive).

Predictably, my enthusiasm began to wane as the day of the first session grew nearer. In the end, though, I knew I couldn't back out - not only would Grace kill me, I'd have to look in the mirror every day and know what a p#$%y I was.

(Have I mentioned that beneath all this fear and loathing I really appreciate the birthday present? Seriously. I do. Thank you, Grace.)

So, there I was on Thursday, trying not to embarrass myself as Sally cycled me through crunches, lunges, leg lifts, presses, and curls. There were weights and everything. I think I may have looked stupid. I tried not to care.

I cared.

After that nightmare was over (I mean, is there anything more painfully torturous than a lunge??), it was on to a stretching routine (which was actually kind of nice). In general, that's all to be followed by 20 minutes of cardio (which, in my case, means a walk up the Elysian trails or a prolonged ride on the Bongo Board. If you're laughing, well, you can just stop - that Bongo Board totally takes it out of you.)

Anyway, I did the entire workout alone for the first time yesterday, and I have to admit, it was a lot easier with Sally there telling me what to do (and making sure I did it). The idea that I have to do this four times a week is just a little bit daunting.

Okay, it's a lot daunting.

I don't know, maybe I'll start to like it. I mean, that is within the realm of possibility ...


George takes a ride on the Bongo Board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All I can say is give yourself time and don't set out thinking "I'M GONNA EVENTUALLY LOVE THIS!" That's just setting yourself up for plain old disappointment. Why wake up each day wondering where the love for lifting a weight really is and what the hell's wrong with you! Naah.

Truth of the matter is that you get used to it, it eventually becomes habit, and you feel weird NOT doing it. Doesn't mean you have to love it. Maybe you'll just eventually not hate it as much.

Kind of like brushing my teeth. I HATE having to brush my teeth every day...but I do. And I feel yucky if I don't. Granted, I've been known to skip a session or two if no one's around, but always return to it no matter what because damnit, I have to.

Just accept the fact that you'll not love working out and go from there. It still won't be easy, but perhaps a tad more realistic, which might ultimately make it a little easier.

And I'll go brush my teeth now. :(

Good luck! -s