Sunday, July 09, 2006

Day 227: Dog Beach Daze.

Beach + Puppy = Awwwww.

Dogs and beaches are a no-brainer. Never have I seen my dogs (or most anyone else's, for that matter) happier than when they're romping at the beach.

The fact that dogs are only legally allowed off-leash at one Southern California beach never ceases to annoy me. The fact that the beach in question is an hour from my house annoys me even more. (I've heard rumors about a second beach that's a mere 45 minutes away, but refuse to get my hopes up.)

And so, it was with great excitement that I set off for Huntington Dog Beach at 7:30 this morning with my Ex and three exuberant hounds (
Denny, Sydney and Callie). A wonderful time was had by all: Denny chased the ball into the ocean until he became so exhausted he was delusional, Sydney barked at Denny chasing the ball until she was hoarse, and Callie alternated between following the other dogs around and wandering in somewhat aimless circles (hey, whatever makes you happy).

Denny in his element:

Sydney shadows Denny ...

Callie radiates beatific contentment.

As much as I love watching my own dogs digging life at the beach, though, it's just as much fun to watch all the other dogs. The array this morning was dizzing.

Believe it or not, the Great Dane is just playing.

Having four legs is overrated; pink is the new black.

Stick, plank ... What's the difference?

A chocolate lab can't bury his ball deep enough.

Finally, even Desi was ready to call it a day. We began the journey home, a trip that always includes a stop at the renowned Los Angeles institution King Taco. With a towering sign that beckons hungry drivers from the 5 Expressway Freeway, King Taco is impossible to resist. (Between King Taco today and a terrific dinner out on Friday with George, Jackie ands Teresa, my diet is pretty much shot this week - but tonight's not the night to beat that drum).

Five minutes after taking this picture, these particular King Tacos were history.

If Dog Beach were closer, I'd be there all the time (though I'd definitely have to curb the King Taco routine). Not only is Dog Beach free, it makes everyone who steps foot on it happy.

How many places can you say that about?

Every post deserves Cute Puppy bookends!


Anonymous said...

great fucking photos!!!



Anonymous said...

Your post has made me get off my large butt and take my two dogs down to the river.

Great pictures!

Anonymous said...

that's it - I'm moving in. too fucking marvelous.