Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 100: Shouldn't There Be a Cake?

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Whenever a TV show marks its 100th episode, there's always a cake. This is not a sentimental celebration, of course - it's because 100 episodes is the magic number that means everyone's going to make a shitload of money in syndication.

I can't say as I'm gaining anything monetary by reaching 100 posts, but hey - at least I'm still here. I haven't smoked any pot in 100 days, and I've lost either 18 pounds (if you go by the books) or 22 (if you go by my estimate based on the screwed-up scale).

Either way, I'm clear-headed and one size smaller. I've rediscovered my love of writing and I'm almost done with an official First Draft of a book. I've reconnected with old friends and made a few new ones.

All in all, I'm very pleased I embarked on this experiment.

Thanks for reading ... it's keeping me honest. Only 265 days and 55 pounds (ish) left to go!


Anonymous said...

Just quite curious. If you have 265 days to go, does that mean you'll smoke pot on day 266?

You've only said you'll quit for a year. Everything seems a little packaged and timed. Maybe you haven't decided yet?

We may never know, I guess. It seems you don't really answer questions here.

Anonymous said...

"Either way, I'm clear-headed and one size smaller."

I'm not so sure about the clear-headed part, but congrats on the smaller size.