Sunday, March 18, 2007

Day 488: A Scary New Theory.

No that's not me ... not yet, anyway. (Just kidding, Mom).

I have a new idea.

What if, in an all-new attempt at super-subtle self-sabotage, I'm staying off my diet as a way to test Tea's attraction to me? I mean, if I were to gain weight and start feeling really crappy about myself, I could drive her away and blame her for it at the same time, right?

To read that (let alone write it) is so terribly pathetic that I can't quite believe it ...

But it just might be true.

Tea and I had an excellent time in the desert. She's easy to be around, and we have fun. On the way home, we stopped at a used book store, a few thrift stores and a massive motorcycle store, and then had a late lunch.

On the motorcycling front, I gained an all-new level of confidence on the bike, shifting smoothly (for the most part) and attacking corners as I graduated from the Pee Wee Track to the Vet Track.

It feels good to try and conquer a fear - I've been freaked out by my motorcycle accident for 22 years, but it loses power over me every time I ride. A little bit of fear is a good thing ... a lot of fear is just plain annoying.

I'd like to apply that same logic to my love life. There's no reason why I shouldn't be able to date Tea and make my weight loss a priority.

This kid couldn't have been more than five years old - I couldn't help taping him:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey K - perhaps you could give some tips about how to be a supportive girlfriend to a partner who's trying to lose weight. What's helpful, what isn't, etc. My boyfriend is trying hard to lose weight, but (as you know) it ain't easy. Anything that a loving partner can do/not do to make it easier? (I do know better than to say things like, "Are you sure you should be eating all that?" which is hugely obnoxious.)